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ChatGPT writes a marketing strategy

ChatGPT writes a marketing strategy

Every startup needs a marketing strategy and REMAKE.AI is no exception.

Startups also are also supposed to keep costs down and REMAKE.AI is no exception as well. With all the buzz around ChatGPT I figured why not try ask ChatGPT to write a marketing strategy for REMAKE.AI

Maybe I can save on hiring an experienced - and expensive - marketing strategy consultant. How’s that for keeping startup costs down? Besides, thinking out-of-the-box and experimenting is what startups are supposed to do!

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To start off, I opened up ChatGPT log in and jumped right in. Hint: please expand the section below to view the chat thread. ChatGPT answers are shown in italic.

Chat Attempt #1 Transcript - click to expand Hi

Hello! How can I assist you today?

I need some help coming up with a marketing strategy, please.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your marketing strategy! To get started, could you provide me with some more details about your business or project? Specifically, I'll need to know:

1. What is your business or project about?
2. Who is your target audience or customer base?
3. What are your goals and objectives for this marketing strategy? (e.g., increase brand awareness, drive sales, launch a new product, etc.)
4. Do you have any specific budget constraints for your marketing efforts?
5. What channels or platforms are you currently using for marketing? (e.g., social media, email, content marketing, etc.)

The more information you can provide, the better I can tailor the advice and suggestions to your needs.

I'm working on an early stage technology startup. The startup's product is a pet robot for consumers. A pet robot like that would have a playful character to keep its users entertained. The robot would also keep company with its human users and also offer some utility functionality like monitoring the user's house when the user is away. The startup, as I mentioned, is in an early stage with a working prototype.

Thank you for sharing the details about your early stage technology startup. Creating a marketing strategy for a product like a pet robot is exciting! Here’s a step-by-step approach you could consider:

1. **Market Research and Target Audience:** - Conduct in-depth market research to understand the current trends in pet technology, consumer preferences, and the competitive landscape.
- Identify your ideal target audience. This could include pet owners, tech enthusiasts, early adopters, and busy professionals who could benefit from the utilitarian features.

2. **Brand Identity and Positioning:** - Develop a unique and compelling brand identity that reflects the playful and utilitarian aspects of your pet robot.
- Craft a clear and concise value proposition that highlights the benefits and features of your product.

3. **Online Presence:** - Build a professional website that showcases your product's features, benefits, and use cases. Include high-quality images, videos, and customer testimonials.
- Create engaging content related to pet care, technology, and the benefits of having a pet robot. This can help establish your startup as a thought leader in the field.

4. **Social Media Marketing:** - Establish a presence on relevant social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Share entertaining and informative content to engage your audience. Use a mix of videos, images, and stories to showcase your product's personality and functionality.

5. **Influencer Partnerships:** - Collaborate with pet influencers, tech enthusiasts, and bloggers who can review and promote your pet robot.
- Their endorsements can help you reach a wider audience and gain credibility within your target market.

6. **Public Relations (PR):** - Send press releases to relevant media outlets and tech blogs about your startup's launch, prototype, and unique features.
- Offer interviews or demos to journalists and reporters covering tech, lifestyle, and innovation.

7. **Trade Shows and Events:** - Attend relevant trade shows, tech expos, and pet-related events to showcase your prototype and gather feedback.
- These events provide networking opportunities and exposure to potential investors and customers.

8. **Email Marketing:** - Build an email list of interested individuals who want updates about your product's development and launch.
- Send regular updates, sneak peeks, and exclusive offers to keep your audience engaged.

9. **Crowdfunding Campaign (if applicable):** - Consider launching a crowdfunding campaign on platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to raise funds and validate market interest.

10. **Partnerships and Collaborations:** - Explore partnerships with pet supply stores, tech retailers, and online marketplaces to expand your distribution network.

11. **Feedback and Iteration:** - Encourage users to provide feedback on your prototype, and use this feedback to make necessary improvements before the official launch.

12. **Metrics and Analysis:** - Set up analytics tools to track website traffic, social media engagement, and other key performance indicators (KPIs).
- Regularly review and analyze these metrics to assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.

Remember that an effective marketing strategy evolves over time based on your startup's progress and the feedback you receive from potential users. Flexibility and adaptability are key as you refine your approach and continue to iterate based on real-world results.

Well, the answer ChatGPT provided looks like a lot of useful information, isn’t it? Except, I made a bit of a screw up conversing with ChatGPT. I do have a lot more details about the startup to provide to ChatGPT, but once I typed in the first paragraph containing the details, I pressed the ENTER key and was about to type in the next paragraph, but ChatGPT duly interpreted my pressing the ENTER key as the end of my input and proceeded to generate its answer. After some Googling, it turned out that I need to press SHIFT-ENTER to add a paragraph break.

Nevertheless, ChatGPT’s answer did look to me relevant, informative and overall matched my general understanding of what a startup marketing strategy might look like - in general.

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I was also encouraged by ChatGPT saying that the more information I can provide - the better ChatGPT can tailor its advice and suggestions to my needs. Isn’t that promising?

Encouraged, I restarted the ChatGPT conversation session and typed in some more details about the startup.

Chat Attempt #2 Transcript - click to expand Hi

Hello! How can I assist you today?

I need some help coming up with a marketing strategy, please.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with that! To provide you with an effective marketing strategy, I'll need some more information about your business, target audience, goals, and resources. Could you please provide me with some details? Specifically:

1. What is your business about? What products or services do you offer?
2. Who is your target audience? Can you describe their demographics, interests, and behaviors?
3. What are your primary marketing goals? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, expand your customer base, etc.?
4. What is your current marketing budget and available resources?
5. Are there any specific channels you're already using for marketing (social media, email, content marketing, etc.)?

The more information you can provide, the more tailored and effective the marketing strategy I can help you develop.

I'm working on an early stage technology startup. The startup's product is a pet robot for consumers. A pet robot like that would have a playful character to keep its users entertained. The robot would also keep company with its human users and also offer some utility functionality like monitoring the user's house when the user is away. The startup, as I mentioned, is in an early stage with a working prototype.

The target audience is everyone who likes pets - and most humans do. More specifically, there are several potential audiences. Firstly, there are people who would like to have a pet - for purposes of companionship, security or entertainment - but cannot have a cat or a dog. For example, people like that may not be allowed to have live pets at home. Alternatively, some people are allergic to live pets. Other people may not have time or desire or sufficient mobility to care for live pets - including being away from home. Examples of people in this target audience may include seniors, people who live alone - including young people, busy people, people with medical problems. Another target audience is early adopters of high-technology products. These people may be of younger age and tech-savvy. Yet another target audience is people who would like to impress their friends by owning a novelty product.

The short-term goal is to build a mailing list of potential customers. The long-term goal is to make the product a success and evolve the business into a large company with billions of happy customers.

Regarding current marketing efforts - I have set up a one-page website. The website shows a video explaining the product concept. The website also offers the visitor to sign up for a mailing list to receive an early invitation to the product launch. I have set up analytics for this website. The marketing budget and resources are at the bootstrap level at the moment. The key challenge in marketing is to get the word out. I need to make the startup's presence known to the public.

More specifically, I need to get people to sign up for my mailing list. The mailing list purpose is to share announcements about upcoming product launches and educate on how to use the product.

Thank you for providing such detailed information about your startup and its goals. Based on the details you've shared, here's a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your early-stage pet robot startup:

**1. Target Audience Understanding:** - Create detailed buyer personas for each potential target audience segment you mentioned, including their pain points, motivations, preferences, and online behaviors.

**2. Content Creation:** - Develop high-quality content that showcases the benefits and features of your pet robot. This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media content.
- Create content that addresses specific pain points of different audience segments, such as "Companionship for Seniors" or "Pet-like Entertainment for Tech Enthusiasts."

**3. Social Media Engagement:** - Utilize social media platforms where your target audiences are most active (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
- Share engaging posts, videos, and stories about your product's features, use cases, and the problems it solves.
- Encourage user-generated content by encouraging customers to share their experiences with your product.

**4. Influencer Marketing:** - Identify influencers or bloggers in the pet, tech, and lifestyle niches who align with your target audiences.
- Collaborate with them to review your product and share their experiences with their followers.

**5. Email Marketing:** - Continue to build your mailing list through your one-page website by offering incentives such as exclusive product updates, discounts, or educational content.
- Send regular email updates about your product's development, milestones, and upcoming launches.

**6. Content Partnerships:** - Partner with online platforms, blogs, and communities that cater to your target audiences.
- Contribute guest articles or webinars that highlight the benefits of your product and its relevance to their readers.

**7. Product Demonstrations:** - Attend relevant trade shows, tech expos, or pet events to showcase your working prototype.
- Offer live demonstrations and allow attendees to interact with the pet robot.

**8. Referral Program:** - Implement a referral program where current subscribers can refer friends and family to join your mailing list in exchange for rewards or incentives.

**9. Crowdfunding Campaign:** - Consider launching a crowdfunding campaign (e.g., Kickstarter, Indiegogo) to generate buzz, raise funds, and secure early pre-orders.

**10. Public Relations:** - Develop a press release about your innovative pet robot and distribute it to relevant media outlets, tech blogs, and local news.

**11. Community Engagement:** - Participate in online forums, social media groups, and communities related to pets, tech, and innovation.
- Engage in discussions, offer valuable insights, and discreetly introduce your product when relevant.

**12. User-generated Content Contests:** - Host contests where users can submit creative content related to your pet robot, such as videos, stories, or artwork.

Remember that consistency and patience are key when implementing a marketing strategy. Since you're working with a limited budget, focus on strategies that have a higher potential for reaching and engaging your target audiences effectively. As your startup grows, you can adjust and expand your marketing efforts accordingly.

Great! But wait, don’t the 12 bullets second chat’s answer look similar to the 12 bullets from the first chat’s answer? Should it sound more tailored to the case at hand, given that I have provided more details about the startup?

Ah, there is a couple of considerable differences - the first answer recommended tracking website traffic metrics and analytics, while the second answer recommends “User-generated Content Contests”. Also, the second answer recommends having a referral program. I think all three are good points - and all three should be included in the marketing strategy, not just one of the other. However, the second and third one seems moot at this point because the startup’s product is currently in a prototype stage, not available to users to generate user content or referrals.

Even though the answers resemble a boilerplate of sorts, I’m not ready to lose hope and give up! Let’s give ChatGPT one more chance - and I will provide even more details about the startup. Let’s see if ChatGPT’s can tailor its answer accordingly.

Chat Attempt #3 Transcript - click to expand Hi

Hello! How can I assist you today?

I need some help coming up with a marketing strategy, please.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you come up with a marketing strategy! To get started, could you please provide me with some information about your business or product? Specifically, I'd like to know:

1. What is your business or product?
2. Who is your target audience?
3. Do you have any current marketing efforts in place? If so, what are they and how effective have they been?
4. What are your marketing goals? (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, sales increase)
5. What is your budget for marketing activities?
6. Are there any specific challenges or unique aspects about your business that I should be aware of?

The more details you can provide, the better I'll be able to assist you in creating a tailored marketing strategy.

I'm working on an early-stage technology startup. The startup's product is a pet robot for consumers. A pet robot like that would have a playful character to keep its users entertained. The robot would also keep company with its human users and also offer some utility functionality like monitoring the user's house when the user is away. The startup, as I mentioned, is in an early stage with a working prototype.

The target audience is everyone who likes pets - and most humans do. More specifically, there are several potential audiences. Firstly, there are people who would like to have a pet - for purposes of companionship, security or entertainment - but cannot have a cat or a dog. For example, people like that may not be allowed to have live pets at home. Alternatively, some people are allergic to live pets. Other people may not have time or desire or sufficient mobility to care for live pets - including being away from home. Examples of people in this target audience may include seniors, people who live alone - including young people, busy people, people with medical problems. Another target audience is early adopters of high-technology products. These people may be of younger age and tech-savvy. Yet another target audience is people who would like to impress their friends by owning a novelty product.

The short-term goal is to build a mailing list of potential customers. The long-term goal is to make the product a success and evolve the business into a large company with billions of happy customers.

Regarding current marketing efforts - I have set up a one-page website. The website shows a video explaining the product concept. The website also offers the visitor to sign up for a mailing list to receive an early invitation to the product launch. I have set up analytics for this website. The marketing budget and resources are at the bootstrap level at the moment. The key challenge in marketing is to get the word out. I need to make the startup's presence known to the public.

More specifically, I need to get people to sign up for my mailing list. The mailing list purpose is to share announcements about upcoming product launches and educate on how to use the product.

Another unique challenge is specific to the business. The problem is that countless startups have tried making and selling companion robots to consumers. Nearly all those startups have failed after a few years in business. Those that have not failed entered this business fairly recently and don't appear to be making money selling these products. I have researched the reasons for these startups' failures. The main reason is that companion robots don't seem to offer much value to consumers, except for some entertainment, while the product prices are comparable to a mid-end smartphone or notebook PC, while a smartphone.

However, I believe I have figured out a strategy to overcome this challenge. The costs can be reduced by moving processing and associated electronic hardware out of the pet robot and into the computing cloud and reusing some electronics the users already own. I can enhance the value a pet robot offers by building up the robot's character. Also, the product cost can be reduced by increasing the volume of its sales. To increase the volume of sales I need to have a good marketing approach to increase product adoption.

One possible early stage marketing strategy - to get a toehold in the market - might be to target so-called makers, who like doing electronic and 3D printing projects. I can offer a do-it-yourself open-source version of a pet robot, so that the makers can themselves 3D print robot parts, assemble and bring up the robot. In other words, initially I would be selling a kit containing just motors, sensors and electronics. Such a kit would be very inexpensive compared to selling a full-fledged product.

Thank you for providing such detailed information about your startup and its challenges. Based on what you've shared, here's a comprehensive marketing strategy that takes into consideration your target audience, goals, budget, and unique challenges:

**1. Define Your Unique Value Proposition:** Clearly communicate how your pet robot is different from previous attempts. Highlight its playful character, utility functionalities, and cost-saving features. Emphasize how it can provide companionship, security, and entertainment while being affordable and customizable.

**2. Content Marketing:** Create high-quality content related to pet ownership, technology, and the benefits of your pet robot. This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media posts. Share tips on pet care, technology integration, and DIY robot assembly to attract your target audiences.

**3. Social Media Engagement:** Engage with potential customers on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Share engaging and visually appealing content showcasing your product's features, development process, and user stories. Use relevant hashtags and encourage user-generated content.

**4. Influencer Collaborations:** Identify pet influencers, tech enthusiasts, and DIY makers who align with your product's values. Collaborate with them to review and promote your pet robot. Their authentic endorsement can significantly increase your product's visibility.

**5. Email Marketing:** Leverage your existing one-page website and the sign-up form for building your mailing list. Regularly send informative and engaging emails to your subscribers, sharing updates on product development, insights into the pet robot's utility, and exclusive offers.

**6. Partnerships and Collaborations:** Explore partnerships with pet-related organizations, tech communities, and makerspaces. Collaborate on workshops, webinars, or events that showcase your product's features and benefits, while also providing value to their members.

**7. Early Adopter Outreach:** Target early adopters who are tech-savvy and open to trying new technologies. Engage with tech forums, communities, and online platforms where these individuals congregate. Offer them special incentives for being among the first to try your product.

**8. Educational Webinars and Workshops:** Host webinars and workshops that showcase the DIY aspect of your product. Educate potential customers on how to assemble and customize their own pet robots. Highlight the cost savings and satisfaction of building something unique.

**9. Crowdfunding Campaigns:** Consider launching a crowdfunding campaign on platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Create compelling campaign content that tells your startup's story, explains the product's benefits, and offers early-bird pricing to backers.

**10. Public Relations and Media Outreach:** Craft press releases and pitch your product to relevant media outlets, tech blogs, and pet magazines. Highlight your unique value proposition, the solution to past failures, and the benefits your pet robot brings to potential users.

**11. Continuous Feedback Loop:** Engage with your early customers and mailing list subscribers for feedback. Use their insights to improve your product, address concerns, and fine-tune your marketing strategy as you progress.

**12. Community Building:** Foster a community around your product by creating online forums, social media groups, and dedicated spaces for users to share their experiences, customization ideas, and use cases.

Remember that building brand awareness and trust takes time, especially in a market with past failures. Be patient, adaptable, and responsive to feedback. By addressing the challenges you've identified and showcasing the unique value of your pet robot, you can create a strong marketing strategy that sets your startup up for success.

Interestingly, this time ChatGPT prompted me to describe “specific challenges or unique aspects about your business that I should be aware of”. I was glad to oblige and explained to ChatGPT that - historically - consumer robotics startups that make robots for entertainment and companionship, including pet robots, keep failing at a steady clip. Have you heard about home “social” robots Anki Cozmo, Jibo, Kuri? Yet more startups - and large companies - keep bringing social home robots to market, including KeyTech Loona - heavily influenced by Anki Cozmo - and Amazon Astro.

Yet, to me, ChatGPT’s third answer still looks mostly like boilerplate. Yes, the third answer added an “Early Adopter Outreach” bullet point - and it’s a good point for a marketing strategy. Yet, it does not lead me to having an “aha” moment - in other words, this recommendation is fairly obvious.


In my personal opinion, asking ChatGPT to generate a startup marketing strategy was an interesting experiment. Yet, I feel that ChatGPT’s marketing strategy mostly looks like a boilerplate - that is, nevertheless, valid and generally appropriate for a high-tech startup. ChatGPT answers have not triggered any “aha” moments for me.

Besides experimenting with ChatGPT, I have also spent a while Googling for marketing strategies high-tech startups have employed and their successes and failures. A search like that turned up same recommendations as ChatGPT’s as well as dozens of creative marketing strategies that ChatGPT has not mentioned.

Perhaps I can write about those creative strategies another time. For now, as far as I am concerned, Google wins over ChatGPT hands down for the purposes of drafting a DIY

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